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Games to Play With Your Cat

Use the toy to simulate the movement of prey. By dragging the toy on the ground on the rope, stopping regularly as the animal may be, You encourage Your cat to stalk and pounce like he would in the wild. This will increase the speed and agility and stimulate the instinct of the hunt for her. This is an excellent idea to keep the toys hidden until play to make him interested in it.
Play games with Your cat is a fun and simple way to enrich his life, giving stimulation and strengthen the bond. You share. Here are some games we recommend:

1. Chase "Prey "

Use the toy to simulate the movement of prey. By dragging the toy on the ground on the rope, stopping regularly as the animal may be, You encourage Your cat to stalk and pounce like he would in the wild. This will increase the speed and agility and stimulate the instinct of the hunt for her. This is an excellent idea to keep the toys hidden until play to make him interested in it.

2. Catnip fun

Stuffing Catnip, a natural herb, be a toy or ball (or buy one that already has Catnip in it) can stimulate the interest of Your cat in a toy. Keep in mind, however, that not all cats are attracted to Catnip.

3. Run and grab

This is surprising, but a lot of cats like to play fetch-or at least, chase and catch a ball that You throw. Toy balls simulate fast movement, unpredictable prey. Put a bell inside to get the attention of your cat, and roll or throw the ball so that she can see and chase him. Some cats respond very well when the ball is rolled or thrown into another room or around a corner.

4. play with Your food

Feeder puzzles and ball distributor food are the toys that enter Your cat food into the compartment in it. With the rolling or pouncing on the doll, Your cat can make it release a few pieces of food at one time. Using the feeder puzzles stimulate desire Your cat to hunt and work for food. Remember to take into account the food in the feeder of the problem when determining the allowances the daily nutrition Your cat.

5. a walk

Though it seems Unorthodox to many people, cats can be trained to walk on a leash, and many of them enjoy the activities. When You take Your cat for a walk, he can experience the extraordinary while keep it safe from cars, other animals, and get lost. This is also an excellent exercise for You and Your Pet.

We hope the games and activities this gives You some fun ideas to do more with Your cat.
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